« Home | "妈。。。你以前,在我们出生之前,养我们的想法, 和现在你在养我们的方法一样吗?" i asked ... » | haha.... feng le... taken a lot of pics everyday s... » | haha..... took chao ji a lot of pics n videos toda... » | yesterday went out with jane, yx, ting, ck n hj...... » | Random thoughts.....blog = filtered-everyday life ... » | my sis treated the whole family to a lunch at a re... » | feeling a bit hurt of what someone said juz now...... » | i juz finished my "32" km route much yesterday nig... » | a few days ago, one side of the patterned border (... » | wah liao.... i just finished watching 4 chapters o... » 

Saturday, October 01, 2005 

  • Army----------- MCD : xiancong, cedric

----------- XCD: chonghan, weidong, edmund

  • Sch------------ MCD : ting, jane

------------ XCD : hongjun, cheekong, yingxin, yueting, wendy, bel, vincent,susi, yuqi, shaosheng, ben ,hohong... ( all the friens that i was quite close, but now not quite le..... )