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Sunday, September 18, 2005 

yesterday went out with jane, yx, ting, ck n hj... i think we all aren't the sort that could easily hype up the atmosphere. everybody was like quite gan ga while we're at kbox, dunno y oso but the feeling's a bit strange but everything got ok after the kbox.then we went starbucks then went to catch the brothers grimm then went to eatr a a chinese restaurant then went to walk along esplanade for a while b4 goin into bakerzin. Haven really spend a whole day outside since dunno when le... i guess the most memorable paart of the outing yesterday was while we're at bakerzin. We got to know each other AGAIN :p n this time yx was here to join in our.... "game?" i just read in a newspaper article that questioned whether the changing of the nature of friendship in sg is for the worse or better. it lists out 3 reasons y it's getting worse.
  1. singaporeans are becoming more self-centred
  2. a faster pace of life is increasing the premium that we place on our free time
  3. the more successful and affluent we become as a people, the more we seem to value our privacy. yet the strongest friendships are between people who make themselves vulnerable to each other by hiding no secrets.


just got my digicam the day b4 yesterday n let's hope it doesn't turn out like mo mo ren's camera :p haha... (if the mo mo ren is reading this... sorry ah :o )

have to cut down on my usage of my com.. my dad is..... hiy......

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