my sis treated the whole family to a lunch at a restaurant near our house just now. .... our family rarely sit down for dinner together.. really rarely.... fell into my usual quietness with my family... then i rem sth my sis said to me last time... " if you keep controlling ys, like i tried to control you when u're young, he'll become zi bi like you..." ... m i zi bi? m i really trying too hard to control my brother? di my sis really control mi too much when i'm young? .... too many qns, too lazy to think of the answers.... ............ haha, just found out when i got my lameness from... tink i inherited it from my mom. she was talking cock at the table just now.. didn't realise she was like this... tink it's quite sweet :) haha, dunno wat cock i'm toking.... tink i inherited a lot of stuff from my mom, including my looks.. .... wat did i inherit from my dad? ...................... goin to buy a digicam later, yeah! i just mentioned to my sis that i'm goin to taiwan soon n she suggested buying a digicam for mi to take pictures, haha... goin to take lotsa pics soon :p
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