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Thursday, August 11, 2005 

I'm feelling a bit bored now... n to stop myself from playing any more dota... today :p i've decided to do a photo blog of ppl from my sniper section... All these photos should be in chronological order... if i rem correctly :p

the thing that we 5 hav in common is that..... we're all short! this pic was taken when the other snipers( who r above 170cm :<) went for deployment at changi airport :p

playing ard with ced's k700i when he first bought it.....

playing with his hp again....

kena sai gang... went for enemy deployment in tekong with xc....

went back to sch with pong n cs n ced during one nite's out....

About me

  • I'm a pig!!
  • From Sembawang Farm
  • Likes to eat a lot, and enjoys rolling in the mud :)
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