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Saturday, August 06, 2005 

arghhhh!! My brother is going to irritate me to death with his method of studying :@ whenever he ask me for permission to play dota, i'll question him abt the work he has done. But the replies he gave me.......... "i'll do it b4 sch starts on mon", "it's a must to play b4 studying", "i'll finish it one, so just let me play first". it's like, i feel tat his answers r so unreasonable, yet he's still so guai lan. I told him a lot of times tat it's not tat i dun allow him to play... i just want him to finish his work b4 he can play... somemore he's taking his o's this yr. this afternoon he cried. he complained tat whenever he asks mi for permission, i'll just shoot him with a lot of qns, n he rather not play..... hiy........ i really dun understand wat's goin on in tat brain of his... i keep asking him for solutions on how he would manage his work n play but he just gives mi vague answers.... r my actions pressurizing?? hiy.......

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  • I'm a pig!!
  • From Sembawang Farm
  • Likes to eat a lot, and enjoys rolling in the mud :)
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