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Saturday, October 29, 2005 

yesterday went for the UAN thing... :/ it wasn't wat i expected it to be... but i got quite interested in the things they hav to offer..... portfolio n some basic intro to vocals, dancing, acting, basic etiquette, etc..... all for only............. $688 :p it's quite a lot... i noe..... it's what that stopping mi from signing up directly..... this company.... is some sort like a community club.... u go there... attend some lessons, make new friens, chill out.. it's not bad lah..... hmmm...... :/
i met up with ting yesterday after my thing n we went to eat xu liu shan... wow :o t's quite hao chi ah... we wanted to share one dessert only at first, but we ordered another after the first :p quite ex... the 2 desserts cost ard 14 plus... but it's worth it...
hiy...... goin for the 2nd one later.... dunno how it'll b like....... i oso dunno wat i want....... hiy....... "tian xia zhen de mei you bai chi de wu can ah"