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Thursday, October 27, 2005 

went to catch a movie with jensen today.... "april snow" SUCKS!!!!!!! seriously!!! there's like no plot, no climax, no nth.... too draggy, too bland.... maybe the director was focusing on making the movie a rather artistic one, so most of us wun understand :/ the only nice scenes were those of the main characters making what they love to do :p had quite a fun day today :) ate pastamania, ate rocher ice cream, got spotted at far east plaza n outside far east plaza by 2 ppl ( one from UAN= united artis....... forgot wat le :p originated from hk one ; then the other one looking for freelance models to appear on newspapers, who hav a list of ard 10 over names ) i tink a lot of ppl may hav been spotted b4 n may say it's nth one, but i'm quite excited :p haha... hope they call mi up after i come back from taiwan... come back, then sell hp, then part time modelling... how cool :p then we went to catch the damn sucky, lousy april snow.. luckily there was at least some entertainment during the movie.. ppl's stuff kept dropping on the floor, there was this hp alarm which kept "cuckoo-ing" for at least 1 or 2 mins b4 the owner go n switch it off.. tink the owner wanna skip the boring parts :p haha :o then got this old couple in front infront of us... think it's quite sweet :) and the cinema was damn small lah.. lido theatre 6....
after that we went to eat long john, then went home loh