Saturday, August 27, 2005 

a few days ago, one side of the patterned border (the width part) of my ceiling suddenly dropped. I was like playing dota, then, suddenly, i heard a loud sound on top of mi n b4 i could react, part of the thing knocked onto my shoulder. Come to think of it, it's really lucky. Because, the thing landed just in between my CPU n my moniter, on one of my speakers. If anything happens to my com, i'll just die loh :@ there's not even a bruise on my shoulder too....
i juz restarted to workout regime yesterday. Because of the tekong challenge 2 wks b4, n the 14km run last wk, I didn't dare to do any running in between. although my weight is still ard the same, but can feel the difference mentally.. beginning to feel sluggish then my muscles r like turning to fat... n becoz of my dota addiction, i previously oso neva do any workout at home... Target : ....... to be n feel healthy only loh..... :p

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 

wah liao.... i just finished watching 4 chapters of MARS... chao touching n sweet leh, haha :p seeing chen ling n qi luo's behaviour really makes mi wanna find a partner asap... hiy.... but i'm juz too lazy to get one... shd i b more active and take action against the girl,stella i tink, whom i met at jasslyn's bday party? hmmm......

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 

phew.... had a really bz weekend. firstly, i attended the company cohesion last fri. At first i thought it would b really boring, but i had fun, with the volleyball-ing n kayaking. The weather was perfect too.. quite lah... not too many clouds, n no rain. Had quite a nice tan. Went to my frien's frien 21st bday party after tat. made some new friens, e.g. guojie, doris...oh, n i saw this cute girl.. i asked susi for more info after the party, n she says tat the girl is quite guai one, n she's single :O hope there could b some chance for us to meet... hope it's a during a chance meeting... ... juz rem sth.. b4 i reached my frien's chalet, i was asking this guy for directions to the bus stand.. while i was waiting for the shuttle bus, we chatted quite a bit. then at the end, we exchanged numbers. felt a bit strange... he's 30 plus, living alone in his condo..i guess he just needs some company.... he wanted to ask mi whether i wanna go to his house at night, but i declined as i hadd sth on.... hmm....
next morn woke up late for my camp's activities, which was to cheer n support some ppl who were running :p then, went to attend my another frien's 21st bday.. met kailing, who's quite cute :p i spent not more than 10 mins with the birthday girl.. anyway i'm not very close to her :6
Then at nite, i went to meet jane, ht, hj n ck at changi airport. We went there to send hj off to taiwan for his ROC training.. we played daidi n some-sort-of-old-maid+truth or dare game... we made quite a lot of noise there... then this mac personnel came n tell us to stop playing poker cards... THen we went off... tried to take some pics with jane's cam with the control tower as background, but when it came to mi, the phone suddenly off itself n it can't b on... then we went to find this corner to play the same card game... the only interesting replies were those of hj answering who's the person he has the most hao gan towards n ht for admitting tat she has someone... blah blah blah.... :p
tink the highlight of the weekend should b the changi airport outing..

Thursday, August 11, 2005 

Finally... last but not least....
tried to imitate sth :p

playing with roy's new k750i

group pic

group pic... again...

haha.. they ask mi to look at roy as if i want to eat him up :p

shall publish more pics abt other stuff next time..... haha... can imagine some ppl groaning :p


Another continuation......
kbox at paradiz
mi n ced
pong taking the pic
after steamboat with weapons platoon

on tank


Continuation from the previous post.....

on the way to sajc from harbourfront

everybody taking solo poses

solo poses again... but cedric trying to take revenge coz b4 this, i was in a lot of his solo pics :p

group pic :o

taking a pee n pic :p


I'm feelling a bit bored now... n to stop myself from playing any more dota... today :p i've decided to do a photo blog of ppl from my sniper section... All these photos should be in chronological order... if i rem correctly :p

the thing that we 5 hav in common is that..... we're all short! this pic was taken when the other snipers( who r above 170cm :<) went for deployment at changi airport :p

playing ard with ced's k700i when he first bought it.....

playing with his hp again....

kena sai gang... went for enemy deployment in tekong with xc....

went back to sch with pong n cs n ced during one nite's out....

Monday, August 08, 2005 

i just discovered sth abt my childhood.... i was actually adopted. My real parents are from china... that's y i hav the china ppl features.... wat shd i do!!!!
:p haha... jokin only lah... quite a number of ppl sae tat i do not look like a singaporean, they say i look like china man :@ argh!!! wat features of mine are similar to them??
maybe i could go b a model... coz my looks will appeal to the china market :p

Saturday, August 06, 2005 

arghhhh!! My brother is going to irritate me to death with his method of studying :@ whenever he ask me for permission to play dota, i'll question him abt the work he has done. But the replies he gave me.......... "i'll do it b4 sch starts on mon", "it's a must to play b4 studying", "i'll finish it one, so just let me play first". it's like, i feel tat his answers r so unreasonable, yet he's still so guai lan. I told him a lot of times tat it's not tat i dun allow him to play... i just want him to finish his work b4 he can play... somemore he's taking his o's this yr. this afternoon he cried. he complained tat whenever he asks mi for permission, i'll just shoot him with a lot of qns, n he rather not play..... hiy........ i really dun understand wat's goin on in tat brain of his... i keep asking him for solutions on how he would manage his work n play but he just gives mi vague answers.... r my actions pressurizing?? hiy.......