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Wednesday, September 13, 2006 

6 wks in sch... i think it passed as quickly as i can say it... the diff between then n now would b...

  • a bit more friens
  • findin out aGAin that schwork isn't as easy as it seems
  • more able to find my way in sch
  • lesser money :/
  • a new 4-in-1 photocopier :p
  • 2 wallets lesser :(
  • cool ash coloured hair
  • longer hair

when this sem ends, i wish another thing that would b different.. all my subjects. so, that means i'll not b da-bao-ing any subjects la :p

it seems i still cannot get used to being alone sometimes... this afternoon when i suei suei can't get my classmates to eat with me, i began to panic a bit.. just a bit... calmed myself down by willing myself to focus on just buying the food, n not looking at the other ppl who were sitting with their bunch of friens... wanted to call vinc, or ck or some other ppl, but i felt it wasn't right just to call them when i nd help, so i didn't... lucky, one of my friens whom i accompanied to the canteen, asked me to join him with his friens.. so the crisis was over... otherwise, i would b eating by myself n i would keep thinking of how alone i m :( .. but lucky again, this kind of incident doesn't always occur...

happiness... wish i'll find some everyday :/