Saturday, December 31, 2005 

haven seen shao for a long time le.... then i tot i would be quite feel quite cold towards him.. but i was wrong :p still felt the same way.... really felt that i can liang lei cha dao for him.. it's quite hard to find such ppl n i thank the greater force for bringing us to meet :p

Monday, December 26, 2005 

P.A. isn't that awkward after all :p

Friday, December 23, 2005 

hmmm....... today is the first day i held a girl's hand :p dunno whether m i very xun anot... coz i keep asking her whether can anot... on bus 99, ard 8 plus :/ ........ haha, shan't elaborate more le :6

Thursday, December 22, 2005 

i'm attached loh... since 15 dec.... is attached the right word to use?? i oso dunno.. anyway, hui ting is my gf... just starting to get the feel of being loved n loving :) blehhh :p Wun tok too much abt it here... it's too personal le.... .... Love ya lotz, ting :O

Saturday, December 17, 2005 

i tink i realli surprised myself this few days... with wat i did.... hmmm... maybe this is wat they call the power of *beep* bah :p

Thursday, December 15, 2005 

well... i've done it.... popped the qn..... i shall update more once the green light is on :p

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 

we r goin to the zoo, zoo, zoo..

how abt u, u ,u..... :p

wow... can't rem the last time when i spent the whole day out with anybody.... actually... i oso can't imagine doin it... but :o i did juz tat today, with my beloved tingz.. blehhh :p haha :o met her in the morning ard 10.30 liddat.. then we went to the digi cam service centre to get her cam fixed.. but the place decided to "detain" her cam so tat they could fix it... then after tat we went for my casting.... at first i was quite jing zhang coz i tot there'll b a lot of ppl waiting to go for some sort of interview.. but i was wrong... i was the only person there.. then the photographer jus asked mi to go to a studio then she just took some pictures of mi... a few of my poses, n a few of the client's required poses.... ting noticed tat i was very jing zhang n tried to help mi.. but i didn't c tat :p hope i get the assignment :/
then as we walked towards amk mrt, wanting to take the train towards bugis to watch a movie... tingz suddenly tot of goin to the zoo... so... after not much thinking, we just went :) haha....this is my second time this yr, but we looked through more clearly this time... really :o goin to the info boards in front of each habitat.. looking at almost every animals..... . yah..... then we went to eat the am pang yong tau foo.... tink the standard has dropped... then yah... liddat loh.... hmm.... yah.... :p
.................... yah... confirm nth le :)

damn scared lah.... coz the snake head was on my hand...

but it's ok once i got used to it :/

Saturday, December 10, 2005 

haha :o a lot of funny things happened today while we're celebrating tingz bday....
1) when we went to surprise her at her house with a cake.. then she kept complaining... abt her appearance, abt her house... haha :p abt a lot of things... but the visit to the zoo trip was unexpectedly cancelled by the heavy downpour.. that started only when we reached the zoo :/ ate ben n jerry's there... after tat we went to sing kbox at amk... walked quite far b4 we reached.... and at kbox, we had to sing some songs ard 3 times coz everyone wanted to have a go at it.. e.g. shan hu hai... blehhh :p dun like tat song... coz i dunno how to sing it... there's some parts when u hav to sing off key... tink i'll practise a few more times first..... then after tat, we surprised her again when we all suddenly came out of the train at sembawang when we told her tat we're goin JE to eat...haha :o ate canadian pizza n showed her the movie tat yingxin made... of our pics n vids.... hiy.... it's gd tat everyone enjoyed themselves today... especially tingz :)

oh yah... our dress code for today is black.. coz our princess tingz :p preferred black now... so wanted to all dress up in black to surprise her... but... i was a bit extra :p

Friday, December 09, 2005 

wow :o haha... didn't expect that they'll call mi back.. the create talents agency :p the lady called mi to attend this casting on mon afternoon... the only attire to take note of is that i was asked to wear sleeveless+fitting..... got auditions for 2 castings.. one is for this telco advert n the other is dunno for wat food one ah.... they're both print ads.. i tink.. quite excited abt it.. but i'm afraid... i noe that there'll b others who's better than mi.... hiy... c how lah... at least got chance :p ..................... i wonder does the lady at the agency always tok to everybody in the same way.... "jun nan~", "mei-nu~"... dunno whether issit to make us happy :/ ....
n.... yah... i'm quite happy today :)

:p i just rem abt my dental appt this afternoon...... just thinking abt it makes mi squirm in my seat :<>

but still.... i'm still quite happy today... maybe not so kua zhang lah.... but i'm sort of satisfied the way things went today.. n i'm not just referring to the assignment only :) ............. :p haha


there's a few incidents tat happened recently....
first is tat......... i got a place in NTU!!! engineering course :o .... i noe that i may not b interested in it... but at least i confirm got a place in either ntu, nus or smu le.... didn't quite want to go into SIM coz it's quite ex.... i'm goin to try to choose the courses that i wan next yr again..... c how then bah....

2nd ne..... i'm goin to try sth tat i've neva tried b4.... dunno wat i shd do.... dunno when i shd do it...n i oso dunno how i shd do it... n i guess somebody is goin to b quite sian diao if the person read this, haha :p hmmm...... is wanting to c the person happy, a reason?

Monday, December 05, 2005 

on 2 dec friday..... hmmm........ it's quite funni.... coz it's the first time our clique is goin out without tingz (ck is not here too :p ) :p haha..... but it can't b helped... coz she's the bday girl :p quite stressed ah... tinking abt wat to do for her.... kept laughing the whole day.... especially when we're taking the neoprints, haha... damn funny :p

eh tingz.... paiseh ah.... but i guessed u found out abt mi n hj meeting jane n yx tat nite after i met u for klunch rite :P hi... tat hj dunno how to keep secret one :/