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Saturday, December 10, 2005 

haha :o a lot of funny things happened today while we're celebrating tingz bday....
1) when we went to surprise her at her house with a cake.. then she kept complaining... abt her appearance, abt her house... haha :p abt a lot of things... but the visit to the zoo trip was unexpectedly cancelled by the heavy downpour.. that started only when we reached the zoo :/ ate ben n jerry's there... after tat we went to sing kbox at amk... walked quite far b4 we reached.... and at kbox, we had to sing some songs ard 3 times coz everyone wanted to have a go at it.. e.g. shan hu hai... blehhh :p dun like tat song... coz i dunno how to sing it... there's some parts when u hav to sing off key... tink i'll practise a few more times first..... then after tat, we surprised her again when we all suddenly came out of the train at sembawang when we told her tat we're goin JE to eat...haha :o ate canadian pizza n showed her the movie tat yingxin made... of our pics n vids.... hiy.... it's gd tat everyone enjoyed themselves today... especially tingz :)

oh yah... our dress code for today is black.. coz our princess tingz :p preferred black now... so wanted to all dress up in black to surprise her... but... i was a bit extra :p