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Tuesday, April 18, 2006 

the colleague that i was talking abt.. the one that has cancer... suddenly do not have to go for chemo anymore, after her first or second session :) she called me this afternoon to tell me the gd news :o a lady first time visiting her church, told her abt her vision that jesus will heal her cancer... in her vision, jesus was putting a crown 3 times on my colleague's head.. n the lady didn't even know that my colleague has cancer :O weird, ain't it? there's a total of 3 visions from the lady.. the 2nd was when she's praying at home, n jesus suddenly appear in her vision to tell her this recipe that my colleague could take to help heal her cancer... i forgot what's the third le :p but with all these, it definitely helped her... i'm not sure whether physically or mentally.. but my colleague mentioned b4 that chemo will affect her body, making her very tired n she wun b able to talk, n it's very painful when the needle goes in... but this time, she didn't feel any of these side effects... n somemore she still has a gd appetite... she's going to b baptised this sun, bcoz she promised that she will do it if she can overcome this difficult stage :)

miracles do happen :)

Jesus is real. =)

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