Saturday, February 25, 2006 

1) work for 6 days a wk
2) from latest ten in the morn till at least 12 earliest
3) on some days still have to go to the market to help to buy some groceries
4) have to pay the fine for the boss (health)
5) money to be deducted from pay when food is wasted
6) scolded everytime sth goes wrong
7) afraid to drink water... bcoz if she goes toilet, she'll be scolded
8) sick, but still overworked
9) haven got a pay rise since working for the boss for a yr
10) no worker's benefits
11) can't quit even when she has been telling the boss since october last yr
12) has to put up with a few of the boss's unreasonable complaints abt her
13) old... ard 50 plus.. (but boss doesn't seem to know the fact, still expects her to perform like a 20 plus yr old)
14) has only a daughter, husband is dead.. (i tink she can only see her daughter sleeping when she goes home everynight :( only can spend more time with her daughter on her off day)
15) mthly pay... only 1200... no cpf
16) dun eat the whole day at work, only eats b4 and after.. this is the same for drinking water

looking at the above points, do u tink the worker should carry on working? quite gek sim rite..... :(

Sunday, February 05, 2006 

shall update more abt mi bday stuff :o

on thurs rite, i went out with ting after her sch ended to buy stuff at PS. When we were abt to leave, suddenly, she brought mi to gelare. i knew sth was wrong when she kept smsing n calling. but i didn't expect the surprise to be a surprise celebration by my army friens! quite shocked ah... then ting had to leave n go for her tuition at lakeside after she helped to coordinate this meeting :( they gave mi a pair of havanas :).... after finishing up the cake, we went to selegie to play dota... DAMN FUN!! haha... play until quite siao... maybe only mi only lah... keep laughing n talking loudly to each other :) fun!! then when i was on my way home, when i just got off at sembawang mrt, huishan called mi n ask mi to join her n yueting at mos burger... quite qiao :o so talked with them till 11 plus... yueting passed mi a tie that she brought in hk the day b4... so... thks a lot oso :)

then on fri rite... i had to rush home after helping out at my mom's shop coz i didn't want to be late in goin over to ting's house to help her carry stuff to jane's chalet... then just when i finished bathing... ting appeared outside my house!! ... :p with a huge paperbag, a fully stuffed bag, n a mahjong set... n some food which she wanted to prepare for mi :) she knew i would like to cook meals together with her.. she even tried to invite shao to come, but too bad that he had lessons so he couldn't make it :/ she brought teriyaki chicken, soup, n lots of finger food :o i kinda like the feeling of her n mi eating together at my house :)

ck,hj, jane, ting sort of celebrated my bday just b4 midnite :p (yx is still on her way to the chalet :/) with a bday cake n they gave a mi a sling bag n a tshirt :) at first i tot the bag that they gave mi was a free gift from an airline, coz got the logo in front :p haha....

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

arghhhhhhhhh :o i got a new hp... sponsored by crazy 6 n s83 gang.. i wanna thank tingz, ck, bel, vinc, wendy, yx, jane, hj :O it's a samsung d500c!!! it's a lot times better than my lan bei hp.... arghhhhhhhh..... .......... :p damn happy now :) i didn't knew i was goin to get it until 3 plus this afternoon.... was just sending ting home after kbox at JEC, then suddenly we saw this hp offer at JE mrt... then ting went in to ask abt that.. then she started to ask abt a lot of things... then i felt very strange coz i didn't tell her that i wanna buy a new hp so soon.. but then... suddenly, she just told mi that they r getting a hp for mi for mi bday... i kept thinking that she's joking, coz it's like so ex... but after much reassurances, i believed her... she even went to the extent of taking my handphone bill out of my bag at home... so that i could get the bill paid n then, so as to get a new phone.... we went to look in the newspapers for other adverts first... but n the end, we bought the phone at JP... the whole situation is like, still quite unbelievable.. coz i was quite tired, then from the moment i knew that i was getting a new hp to the moment i got it, it's only not more than 2 hrs... hiy... i'm really quite grateful to them :/ Thanks a lot!!