Thursday, January 26, 2006 

hmmm..... haven been blogging for quite some time le... let's c wat i can rem...

1) treatment of 6sir sp1 ppl which is us!! i'm sure others hav experienced this b4... juz bcoz we're the minority n the guinea pig, i dun tink it's fair for us to b overlooked... i tink the men's treatment r especially bad... it's like being ntm 24/7... whenever there's not enuff ppl for duty, we'll get deployed :o hiy.... dun tink anybody can c that we're ord-ing soon... lucky i'm one of fortunate ones... the last remaining sp1 specs.. n with the help of our pc, we r able to divert some trouble :p i really can't wait to ord.....

2) hiy.... i juz saw jh's nick.... "i tink the farmers shd do my duty lah, cos they r poor n need to save money" if it was in the past, i would have gotten angry at y he still call us that... ( us snipers are sort of divided into 2 pacts.... mainly english-speaking n chinese-speaking... then with some other references to china, etc... actually he has a lot of nicks for us...) then now, i juz hav a mild initial reaction, then i'm ok now... tink he's quite childish...

3) yeah! i'm now working at raffles place... got a temp job at network 21.. but it's only until fri, which is tmr.. office n admin work

4) then i oso feel quite dui bu qi all my other friens... neva find them for quite a long period of time le....

i look gd in this pic.... but y isn't ting's face inside :(

Sunday, January 08, 2006 

yesterday i went to shilin to start my first day of work n it's a bit xing ku ah... stand from 2 to 11 plus... only got a dinner cum toilet break for ard 10 mins.... susi, yuwei, yuqi, ren ying, bing bing n her bf came to "visit" for ard an hr... dun even hav time to chat with them loh.... then..... ard 11.20, when i came out of the shop, i saw a person whom i neva expect to c in a million yrs... who's miss see hui ting!!!! aiyoh :o i'm damn shocked lah.... i tink i left my mouth open for ard 10 secs bah :p coz i noe she went shopping with jane n merlyn from sfternoon till nite... then i tot she went home at 9 plus le, coz she got msged mi a few times... but it turned out that, she had been waiting for mi since 9 plus, till 11 plus eh.. arghhhh.... damn guilty... she even bought a packet of cheese noodels from taka, cha shao su, n a bottle of my favoutite green tea :p she hadn't had her dinner yet... she was waiting to have it with mi :( she sat at the food court for ard 2 hrs, with only a new paper to read.... it's damn ke lian lah.... hiy.... hope i can make it up to her soon, my little xiao gong zhu :)

Friday, January 06, 2006 

blehh :p juz woke up n i decided to write in my blog again..... there isn't much stuff happening this days.... every 2 or 3 days meet up with her... camp stuff (yiii-er :/).... oh yah... i got a part time job at cine, shilin :O haha... goin to try out there for one day tommorow.. a bit want to just stay there n work there until i go study in uni... but hiy.... the salary bit the shao... c how loh... c whether can find new higher paying job anot :p ermmm..... if anybody c this entry.... n is free..... can just go down to look for mi..... if can, i'lll giv u extra...................................... pepper for ya ji pa :p hahaha :o