Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

You Are 11 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act?:

Saturday, November 26, 2005 

nah.......... one of the pics from my portfolio......

this pic isn't tat bad rite...... but it's the best of all... :( n if i giv this 7/10.... most of the pics or all r 3/10.....
hiy......... but i felt better after hearing xc's n the agency's aunty's comments :p coz xc said that diff ppl will hav diff preferences, n the aunty said that i look gd in some of those pics :8 n i oso went to the agency to give them some of my gd photos... for them to put in the cd for clients..... i'm very nervous abt this whole thing, although there might not be any chance that i'll b chosen for anything....... *pray* i wish i'll have assignments coming in soon :p haha

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 

Eeeee......... i dun have very high expectations for the photoshoot.... i regretted not bringing more clothes along.... there's this aunty who did makeup for mi, made my hair, passed mi the clothes.... hiy.... it didn't seem very professional ah..... but i juz hav to accept it lah.... since i chose this... :( hope the pictures come out nice......
thanks a lot to tingz :) who accompanied mi to the photoshoot which lasted 2 hrs :p didn't notice that the time passed so fast.....
meanwhile, here's some pics :O

i prefer myself with no make up, with normal clothes loh... :(

Monday, November 21, 2005 

..... argh.......... damn sian.......... nth to hr plus to go b4 i go n prepare myself for the shoot later..... ..... i noe it's just a very small thing, i can't help it that i kept comparing this to those major photoshoots.... makes mi a bit depressed :( but, i hope sth gd will come out of this :) ........... argh................... sianz :O

Sunday, November 20, 2005 

harry potter n the goblet of fire is what as i expected.... sucky :o the movie only focuses on harry potter n a lot of other interesting sub stories were not being shown..... had swensen's with ck, jane, ht, hj last night n watched the movie with them.... after that, as there's no train for us to take le, we walked from dhoby gault to orchard, taking pics with the christmas deco along the way...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

i'm back!! though i'm quite indifferent abt leaving taiwan, but i kinda missed the days i spend there n the various diff things that i did... e.g. sitting on heart-stopping rides... ( i'm damn afraid of heights but i'm not afraid to admit it!!!) i only sat on 2 exciting rides, the viking ship that went 90 degrees, n the free fall thing... wah liao.... after that my other friens went to sit on the roller coaster that went round in circlesm , n this roller coaster that sort of travels in a u-shape.. that is to say.... u'll first travel backwards n upwards, then forward then upwards again :o ... u noe abt the saying that u might regret not trying some things? i can safely say that i'll not regret not taking the ride :p ... but in the end my friens told mi that the rides that i sat on were more scary then the rollercoaster going up n down :/.... then mi, xc n pong went to shilin at night... this is on the 2nd day... i was confined on the first day... because of one stupid nail clipper... hiy......... then on the 3rd day, we went to taipei 101, n the buildings there were quite breath-taking... u can oso c mountains behind those buildings... simen ding in the afternoon... shop!!!! the ppl n the buildings r quite diff from singapore... there's more billboards, posters, advertisements at shilin and simen ding... the ppl there do noe how to dress up... we went to huaxi jie that nite... there's a lot of food peddlers n hawkers there..... lucky we neva ate b4 we went.... oyster mee sua, cong zhua bing, seafood zhu chao, etc....
hiy.... too bad that i can't spend a lot, otherwise i'll really buy a lot of stuff one......

the service there is quite gd loh.... i like the way they say "huan ying guang ling" :p

confineess on first day

trying to capture our bubble blowing skills on camera :p

trying to kill my boredom of waiting for our duffel bags by trying to "kill" pong :p

Friday, November 04, 2005 

i'm now using the com in HUKOU camp :p hmmm.... spent 5 days here le.... 1st day admin day, 2nd n 3rd day doin enemy for rifle coys, did navex for yesterday n today.... the weather's here quite cold.... i'll not sweat, even in my uniform.... unless i doin chong-sua stuff lah.... n my first impression of ji-pa isn't very gd coz the ones they sell in camp.... EEeeee.... not nice one :p then for the navex rite.... i did it with xc, ph, n encik... we would confirm hor-larn (= get lost) b4 every checkpt.... but luckily taiwan got a lot of hao-xin ren.... the person who brought us to the temple (lorry) :p, the family who cooked dinner for us, the person who brought mi to the top of the hill to checkpt A12 (motorcycle)... n there's a lot of helpful ppl along the way who gave us directions :) .... one thing common among the taiwanese ppl is that, their meaning of quite near, isn't that near after all :/ .... k, i shall write more the next time i come n use :0