Yeah! My first blog :o i finally started a new one after a few mths of not blogging in my old diary. My si-gu was the one who....... sort of indirectly prompted mi to blog. This incident happened to me last sun. It's because i want to remember her kind and selfless act of giving mi $50. hey, plz don't get me wrong here..... It's not just because of the money that made me feel grateful towards her. It's the way she gave me and when i asked her, when do i need to return her, she just told me to give her a treat when i'm working. Never in my whole life, did my relatives do anything for me.... she even mentioned that she can help to pay for my new hp first, when i mentioned that i'm going to buy k750i ard october. Thanks Si-Gu!

Mi n my cousins
I was celebrating hj's n ck's bday with the rest of the s83 clique ( which consists of vinc, bel n wendy) today. Everybody else was late. Lucky i didn't arrive early too :p ui really muz go n try carl's jr one day... all the burgers are like..... gigantic loh.. each is almost the size of 4 fists put together :p but the meals are like ard $10 each.. we juz went in to try the onion rings only, while waiting for the rest..... then we ate at changing appetites. i think everybody sian until siao le... ck eating the veggies like an hamster/rabbit; bel flinging the FFF=flying french fry onto my shirt, wendy n bel pulling the belt ard ck's neck. Then after walking ard suntec for a while, we went to the kopi shop opp. crepes n creams. All thanks to my big mouth, everybody was helpin me to look out for girls. Initially i was suggesting that everybody must try to ask ppl of the opp. sex for their hp numbers. Then they "volunteered" to help me find. We saw a few funny n ridiculous stuff.... there's this aunty in red who kept walking past the shop; this girl who looks like she's goin to tou tai (hj's words :p).I only regret not goin after one girl who's wearing a white top, coz she's quite beauitiful. i'm really a bit dan xiao..... but after thinking it over, i feel that this can be one of my gd pts coz not all girls like those ultra-confident guys :P
Went to SMU with bel n vinc at night. there's really quite a lot of gd looking ppl over there. n i found out that i like listening to live bands playing. Then this feeling suddenly came into me. I could imagine bringing the girl i like to this kind of place, n shouting " i love you" into her ears :o
woah :o i really hope this day will come soon....